




·        What was the original aim of this project/experience?

The aim of this marvellous experience was mainly to put into practice what I am learning in my formation as an English teacher. It has not been easy for me to be able to convey the theoretical principles of this subject into full practice in a classroom full of energetic young learners. I had to take into account not only the suggestions given by my tutor but also to consider the proper strategies, the right materials, the management of time, the students’ interest, etc. and specially to keep in mind the goal in a class: the learning process and its enjoyment by the learners.
I think I got it because the experience was significant and positive for them, they enjoyed it and the activities planned were made accordingly.
Of course, I need to improve several aspects specially those related to classroom management and creation of my own materials, but I also know that this is just the beginning of a wonderful path in my formation as an English teacher.


   If I had the chance to develop this project/practice again, what changes would I make?

I would manage in a better way my own times to organize and prepare the classes for the practicum. I also need to organize better the times for the different activities given in the classroom. I learnt in class that 10-15 minutes of a focused activity is enough for children and then they need to pass to another activity for a shorter period of time, maybe a free task.  Due to this, I needed more time for some planned activities.
In addition, due to my job and family compromises, it was really hard for me to plan in a better way my practicum. Maybe we needed more time to prepare such an amount of activities.
Finally, I would improve “the possible contingencies strategies” as I had some minor issues regarding this skill.


·        Why was this project/experience meaningful to me?

The experience was totally constructive and enriching to me. Although it was very stressful to prepare and organize the right material and then to be in the classroom and being observed by a local teacher, it was a very gratifying experience because I felt all the time the support from my tutors (you and TT). You answered and clarified all my doubts and mistakes and helped me to achieve the goals I had to get.
Something that I learned and that I did not believe much before is that it is possible to learn through play with children. Interacting with them in the game, making questions and nurturing their curiosity, develop their multiple intelligences and social skills.


·        Are there any alternative viewpoints?
 Which of these viewpoints make the most sense?

The experience of being observed and evaluated gave me the opportunity to enrich the quality of my teaching experience. Besides that, to share my experience with the local teacher gave me another perspective on how to manage a class of very young learners. It is always good to be evaluated by someone who has expertise in the field and specially when that person is able to convey kindly the observations and corrections needed for the task given.
I always received a proper feedback from my tutors specially in how to enrich the planning lessons, guidance that helped me a lot to make in a better way the next lessons.
The teacher o the class Miss Noelia helped me a lot also and made me feel confident with the children.
I really appreciate the support given by tutors and teachers in this my first experience with very young learners.
I think that when a pedagogical viewpoint is given adequately, is inevitable to get a better understanding of the topic.


We always have something to learn. It would be extravagant to say that we have learnt everything just because we are adults. Although I have been teaching for some few years, I never had the experience to teach to very young learners. I was afraid and stressed to feel that I had to be in contact with so many young children and teach something in English to them. Initially I thought I was preparing myself in this traning course to teach English to adults or maybe to teenagers, but not to small children!
Incredibly I found my path as a teacher doing this practicum. although is challenging, I have discovered that I am also learning from children.They have an inner knowledge that I had lost. Without doubt, I need to improve some strategies and at the same time, I have realized through this practicum that children do not want knowledge, they want the teacher’s affection for the subject, for the class, for his profession. What I  learnt through them is that are not the methods that matter the most, but the teacher as a person to fulfil their needs.


Gustavo Rendon